Multiple Exam practice tests that are always being updated. Each question in these practice exams is timed for 84 seconds to match the actual exam time allowed .
You can mark questions and come back later for them. All questions are randomized and dynamically selected from our questions database.. While taking the practice test, your time will be tracked. At the end of the practice exam, you will see your score, your correct answers, your wrong answers and why they were wrong. You will also receive an email with your test, the questions and answers and your score. The CISSP exam practice tests are free and you are welcome to take the tests as often as you need to. Please note that we are adding more few practice tests in the next few days.
To avoid spam, web spiders and bogus users who abuse the internet, please note that you must register or Login to be able to access the free practice exams. You must provide a valid email address to register since your password will be emailed to you for security reasons. You will have the option to change your password once you login.
Once you activate your account and logged in to our site, you can come back to this section of the site and the links to the practice exams will be activated and you can select the practice test you like to take. Please note that we update this practice tests daily so make sure you visit this section often until you pass your CISSP examination. The answers order as listed per questions is randomized every time you take the test to allow you to get used to reading the question acuratly in the allowed time and select the right answer every time. The Practice tests below are categorized by Security and Exam topics.
Your results are shown at the end of the exam with a drill-down on answers per questions and accuracy. You must score 70% on any quiz to pass. Please select one of the practice tests below to start:
- General CISSP Exam Practice Tests Covering all exam domains
- Access Control Systems & Methodology - CISSP Exam Practice Tests
- Software Development Security CISSP Exam Practice Tests
- Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning CISSP Exam Practice Tests
- Cryptography CISSP Certification Practice Tests
- Security Architecture and Design CISSP Exam Practice Tests
- Information Security Management CISSP Exam Practice Tests
- Law, Investigations, and Ethics CISSP Exam Practice Tests
- Operations Security CISSP Exam Practice Tests
- Physical Security CISSP Exam Practice Tests
- Telecommunications, Network, and Internet Security CISSP Exam Practice Tests